WHEN YOU ARRIVE, please choose one of the foam puzzle mats that will be spaced 6'-8' apart – this will give each family enough space to dance and move while still maintaining distance from others. Please try to maintain a safe distance from other families; these classes will only work if we work together to do so.
While I know it can be difficult, it's important that we corral our kids a bit to make sure we all respect and maintain appropriate space, so unless you are "bubbled" (or "podded"?) with another family in our class, please only interact from a distance of 6' or more.
NB: the floors at Planted are concrete, and the foam mats are only 24" x 24", so you may want to bring something else to sit on as well.
VACCINE PASSPORTS IN EFFECT INDOORS: Despite provincial changes, and in order to keep our kids as safe as possible at the tail-end of this pandemic crisis, proof of vaccination requirements will remain in place for our March-April session. These can be emailed to or shown at your first class, and will be marked on our spreadsheet. You will only need to do this once.
Since we will be up and down and moving around a lot, masks will be required for grown-ups (including Mr. Ben!); while provincial regulations do not require masks for children under 6, you are certainly welcome to have your child(ren) wear one.
Before you come to class each week, please take 90s to complete this Covid screening assessment for your child
Every week we'll use different kinds of percussion instruments, but due to our current circumstances you will need to bring your own (any and all substitutions are fine! e.g. wooden spoons, containers of rice, mixing bowls, etc etc) – I'll email at the start of the week so you know what you'll need for that week's classes.